Friday, April 23, 2010

Making It Easy

The process of moving house is said to be one of the most stressful things in life - not just moving house but moving country can add to the stress.

But if the move is to Monaco the good news is that a lot of the preperation can be done for you, with services designed to make the whole transistion process easier than would have been.

And once in Monaco other services are on hand to make life in the new country seamless, and being part of the community quickly.

Need to know where the best local supermarkets are? Need some things translated? Where to park, and once familiar with your favourite produce want to be able to order online?

Want a bank account that you can access online, and be introduced to the top banking officers when you first visit, and have all the information needed prepared in advance?

And how about where to live? Would you not only like to see details of potential property for sale or to rent, but be guided to areas that could best suit your lifestyle - for example within walking distance of good schools - and have someone who can show you the best places for furnishing your new home?

All of these services and more are available in Monaco for those thinking of moving there and looking at Monaco property for sale - and the good news is that some of these services don't cost anymore than a standard service. Despite it being the home of the Monte Carlo casino

On the shopping for example, for a fee set in advance so both parties know where they stand, a Monaco local will take a new resident to the local supermarket, do any translations and point out local delicacies, help set up an online home delivery account, and show where the nearest parking spaces are.

Plus give hints at when the shops are likely to be busy, and show the local market in Fontvieille. Plus accompany the new resident if required to some of the nearby super and hypermarkets in France - for those with a busy life shopping can be a permanent arrangement.

A bank account in Monaco is required for anyone taking residency there, and the banks will require various documentation. But this can all be organised before visiting the Principality, and it's even possible to meet an adviser in London or Switzerland to organise an account with one of the Monaco banks to make life and moving just that little bit easier.

And the same is true with property, whether buying or renting.

Floor plans and photographs can be sent to allow a potential buyer to see what is available, and again it's quite possible to meet a representative from a Monaco property company in the UK.

Moving country can be stressful - but there are services available to make it a lot easier for you.

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